Come For The Banter - Stay For The Disappointment
Nucks Fan Rebuild & Retool Center - Come For The Banter - Stay For The Disappointment


September 20, 2024
- jimmi

Summer is over! Too soon, sure, because nucking conspiracy analysts aren't finished with vital speculation.

How are you, NM hangers-on and narydowells?

Thanks for asking. We're doing great. We're barely seven months away from meaningful hockey. Let's get ready for it! Mid-May drinking binges can arrive sooner than expected.

There's a new(ish) sorta roster... but 1st we need to discuss worry about the old guys.



Demmers! What the heck happened to Demko? We don't know. Nucks HQ doesn't know. Thatcher doesn't know. No, really. He's a unique player. Now with a unique injury, never seen in the NHL.

Watch his revealing presser.

No firm timeline for a return. We're fine with that. It's not May. Yet.


Super Pete. Can he compete over 82 games + 16 more? We don't know. Yet. But Pete does.

Well... that's a relief. No ongoing $92M worries. Right? Right?


Brock. Will he or won't he? Score 50... or get resigned? Or stay away from BC Faeries? We don't know. That's why they have to play 82 meaningless meaningful games until we know for sure.



Vincent Desharnais has taken over from Zav. Those are some big skates to fill. How will he do? So far, great! Great presser presence and flattering his new team in almost every sentence. That's good.


Lekkerimäki is on the roster. So far. Can he be the new superswede rookie, like EP was? We hope so. At NM, pre-season hope springs infernal.


This isn't so much a worry as concern. Not so much concern, as whose wing will he play on? Jake DeBrusk was sought and paid for to be slotted-in on Pete's wing... even tho his style might be better on JT's line. Going to be fun to watch what happens. Fun, with a twist of angst and concerned worry.


What are some of our other concerns... or pre-season panics? Well.... the best 3rd line in hockey won't be available to start the season. Josh was diagnosed with ball cancer, FFS! We knew from last season he has big balls, but BC Faeries never miss a chance to kick us in the nuts. As well, resigned Teddy got injured over the summer - some say at one of Westy's crazy ice beach parties. That's not good news.

We need a pep talk. Already? Yes, we do. A Taco Talk can fix everything.

Staircasing? That's encouraging, right? The flipping noisy machinery drowning out Taco's wise words always bodes well.

What are your biggest concerns? Let's find out.

Your Biggest Yiking Concern Is:


Comment System How-To

New NM, new comment system. Still uses words and stuff. Hover over the icons to see what they do. 

The most vital function is image embedding. Paste the link to the image in the comment box. When the comment is posted, the image appears. Most of  the time. 

NOTE: Remove the non-image name jibberish. If the image link has any stuff after the file extension - usually a ? with directives like: woo.gif?size=480 blah blah - delete up to and including the ? - simples.

GIF it up for Westy! Or still life in rum.
NOTE: Comments refresh every 30 seconds. Not fast enough for most of our lightening round contestants. We are working to increase the refresh speed. Just... not working too hard... because NM labour guidelines. Thanks for being patient!
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