I won't speak for the other award winning writers here, but I don't care about this series.
SBN would have hated this post.
Hell, Kent will probably hate this post.
Comment System How-To
New NM, new comment system. Still uses words and stuff. Hover over the icons to see what they do.
The most vital function is image embedding. Paste the link to the image in the comment box. When the comment is posted, the image appears. Most of the time.
NOTE: Remove the non-image name jibberish. If the image link has any stuff after the file extension - usually a ? with directives like: woo.gif?size=480 blah blah - delete up to and including the ? - simples.
GIF it up for Westy! Or still life in rum.
NOTE: Comments refresh every 30 seconds. Not fast enough for most of our lightening round contestants. We are working to increase the refresh speed. Just... not working too hard... because NM labour guidelines. Thanks for being patient!